Traditional Sketches
$200 per hour
Original Black and White or Color
11 x 17 Sketch on Cardstock
Sleeve Included
Page Customization Available
12 FPH Color 20 SPH F&W
Listoonz offers both traditional and digital sketches
at Special Events. Both are fantastic options, but which one is right for your event?
In either case black and white and color sketches are available, but either way a sketch in color will take twice as long as a black and white sketch. If you need to have a larger group drawn black and white may be the best for you.
If you want a bigger sketch and a true original copy then you will want traditional sketches.
For greater entertainment value and curb appeal there is nothing like digital caricatures to pull in the crowd and get them excited. Plus a 4x6 print is much easier to take home and you can always make a bigger print from the digital file.
Digital Sketches
$200 per hour
Drawn on a Tablet, Printed at 4 x 6
Page Customization Included
Second Display, Watch as you are drawn
Digital Copy, Great for Social Media
Your choice of sleeves or lanyards
Customize The Paper I Draw On
When your guest(s) of honor are bound to be partying it makes a lot of sense to get them drawn before hand. But what is even more fun is featuring them on the very sketches that the guests will be receiving on that special day.
Listoonz Custom Studio sketches go beyond what is possible in a party quick sketch. With such vibrant colors and more time to get every stroke perfect these make a great add on to your event.
If this is something you want at your party make sure to line things up early so that your custom sketch can be ready in time.